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Stir Uganda Safaris

Uganda Overview

Uganda has the best scenery in Africa composed of swamps, lakes, Rivers Mountains  and semi-arid lands. The second largest fresh water lake (Lake Victoria is found in  Uganda), the longest river (River Nile) in the whole world starts from Uganda. Can you  imagine snowcapped mountains on the equator? We think Uganda is indeed the pearl  of Africa and “the promised land”. Over 50% of the remaining world Mountain Gorillas  are found in Uganda-Africa in particular. Uganda has 10 national parks, 7 game  reserves and around 30 national forest reserves where birding vacations are inevitable.  And on top of that, the culture of people of Uganda takes it all. Uganda has more than  56 ethnic tribes with different cultures that can answer why Uganda is called the pearl of  Africa. It is in this East African country where you can find the cultural melting pot and it is also a point where the East African savannah meets and melts into the West African  jungle.  

Ecologically, we believe that Uganda is actually the country where the East African  Savannah meets the West African jungle. Abundant wildlife (including the famous  mountain gorillas) and an excellent climate contribute to the attractions in Uganda. In  this uniquely lush destination visitors can observe lions prowling the open plains in the  morning and track chimpanzees through the rainforest undergrowth the same afternoon,  then the next day navigate tropical channels teeming with hippos and crocodiles before  setting off into the misty mountains to stare deep into the eyes of the majestic mountain  gorillas. Uganda is the only safari destination whose range of forest primates is as  impressive as its selection of plain antelopes. Besides the wide biodiversity, Uganda is  blessed with a vast bird population of more than 1,000 species.  

Uganda’s natural beauty led Sir Winston Churchill to call it ‘the pearl of Africa”. From the  moment a visitor lands in Entebbe International Airport with its breathtaking equatorial  location on the forested shores of the Island-strewed Lake Victoria, it is true that  Uganda is no ordinary safari destination. Dominated by an expansive golf course  leading down to the lakeshore, and a century-old botanical garden alive with the chatter  of acrobatic Vervet monkeys and colorful tropical birds, Entebbe is indeed an ushering  point into the Pearl of Africa.  

Kampala the Capital City of Uganda is just 40km away from Entebbe International  Airport and its bright modern feel is a true reflection of the ongoing economic growth  and political stability that has characterized Uganda since 1986. Uganda is now a very  peaceful country with enormous economic activities and freedom throughout the  country.  

Population: Uganda has about 40 million people.  

Geography: Uganda is in East Africa and it shares borders with South Sudan in the  north, Kenya to the East, Lake Victoria to the South East, Tanzania to the South,  Rwanda to the South West and Democratic Republic of Congo (Former Zaire) to the  West. Kampala the Capital City is on the shores of Lake Victoria, and the White Nile  flowing out of the Lake traverses much of the country. The varied scenery includes:  tropical forests and tea plantations on the slopes of the mountains of the moon  (Rwenzori Mountains); the Arid plains of Karamoja, the lush heavily populated Buganda; 

the rolling savannah of Acholi, Bunyoro, Ankole and the Fertile cotton area of Teso.  Uganda is located at time zone GMT+3.  

Language: English is the official language, with Luganda and Swahili also widely  spoken.  

Religion: 60% Christians, 32% Animists and 5% Muslims  

Electricity: 240 volts AC, 50Hz.  

Social Conventions: Shaking hands is the normal form of greeting. Casual dress is  usual for most occasions in the day time or evening. Ugandans have adopted a socially  conservative culture and drug abuse is illegal and widely condemned.  

Photography: Since 1992, photography has been allowed in all areas with the  exception of Aiports or military installations and bridges. However some areas are still  sensitive and it is advisable to take local advice. Commercial photographers and  journalists should consult the Ministry of Information for permit.  

Climate: The temperature, usually ranging between 21 and 28 C, can be quite cool in  some parts of the country owing to the country’s general high altitude, despite its  position on the equator. The mountain areas become much cooler and the top of  Rwenzori Mountains often covered by snow. Other parts of the country are much  warmer. There is usually heavy rain between March and May and between October and  November.  

Clothing: Lightweights and rainwear, with warn wraps for the evenings are advised.  Accessing Religious and Shrine/traditional worship attractions may require female  visitors to wear clothes that cover their hair and legs properly, preferably using wraps.  

Communications: Telephone services are provided by several companies including:  MTN, Airtel, Uganda Telecom, smile, Africel among others. The country code is 256 and  the mobile telephone coverage extends to all towns. The current providers with the  largest coverage are MTN and Airtel are roaming agreements also exist. Internet data  services are also provided by the above telecom companies and internet cafes as well  exist in Uganda. Most hotels and restaurants also provide free WiFi to their clients.  Postal services are also provided by serveral companies including Posta Uganda and  DHL. When it comes to Media, both private and public radio stations and televisionstations exists with cable networks allowing international television services to be  broadcast. The newspapers are published in both English and local languages.